Structure Product

Tailored Investments for Customized Risk and Return

What is Structure Product?

Structured Products are pre-packaged investment strategies that combine traditional investment instruments like stocks, bonds, and derivatives to create a tailored solution aimed at meeting specific financial goals, while managing risk in a unique way.

Underlying Assets: Structured products are based on a variety of underlying assets such as equities, bonds, commodities, indices, or foreign currencies. The performance of the product is directly tied to these assets.
Investment Structure: Most structured products are issued as debt instruments, meaning they are often bond-like in nature. This allows the investor to receive their principal at maturity (if the product has a capital protection feature).


Customization: Structured products are designed to suit individual investor needs, offering tailored exposure to asset classes such as equity, commodities, real estate, or foreign exchange, while also incorporating specific risk preferences.

Capital Protection: Some structured products offer a capital protection feature, where the principal invested is partially or fully protected from market volatility at maturity, depending on the type of product.

Tax Efficiency: Structured products may offer tax advantages over traditional investments. For instance, returns might be taxed at a more favorable rate depending on the structure and jurisdiction.

Flexibility: Structured products can be short-term or long-term, depending on the investor’s horizon.